Introducing the Genuine Student (GS) Requirement -
Focus on Genuine Intention to Study
The Australian government is simplifying student visa applications! Replacing the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement, the new GS scheme will launch on March 23rd, 2024, focusing solely on a student's genuine desire for quality Australian education.
The new GS requirement for international students will aim to identify students with circumstances that support a genuine intention to obtain a quality education in Australia, without reference or confusion to any future intention to migrate.
What's Changing?
The 300-word statement in the student visa application form will be replaced with targeted questions. These questions will provide visa decision makers with an overview of the applicant and their reasons for wanting to study in Australia, to contextualise the documentary evidence applicants must provide in support of their application.
What’s New?
Targeted Questions: Applications will have specific questions replacing the 300-word statement. These will assess the applicant's background, study choices, and motivations for choosing Australia.
Focus on Study Goals: Applicants will explain how their chosen course benefits them and how studying in Australia aligns with their future plans.
Transparency: A revised declaration clarifies the responsibilities of a genuine student, including adhering to visa conditions and understanding post-study migration limitations.
Existing Applications?
Applications submitted before March 23rd, 2024, will be reviewed under the current GTE system. The GTE requirement remains for Student Guardian visas.
Stay Informed
Detailed information about the GS requirement will be available on the Department of Home Affairs website and social media closer to the launch date.
Note: Information regarding potential changes to English language requirements for student visas is still under consultation.
This streamlined approach aims to:
Simplify the application process for genuine students.
Ensure students prioritize quality education in Australia.
Enhance the integrity of the student visa system.
Feel free to contact our team at Leading Edge Migration and our experts will be able to guide you.
Source: PRISMS